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The Fund’s optimisation strategy

To achieve its targets, the Retail Fund aims to optimise its portfolio through targeted acquisitions, the redevelopment of core assets and the disposal of non-core retail units. Taking into account the trends in the retail market and the demographic outlook, we believe that the current competitive market requires specialised, well-positioned retail assets. Our strategy is to focus on what we believe will be the two decisive elements in the future of retail:

  • Experience: High street portfolio, focus on A1 locations in major shopping cities

  • Convenience: District shopping centres, focus on catchment areas and strong tenant mix

In addition, the key building blocks in the Fund’s strategy are:

  • Redevelopment: expansion/redevelopment of well-located shopping centres and retail units to meet the quality requirements of modern retail

  • Active asset management: maintaining high occupancy levels by developing close relationships with tenants

  • Focus on retail tenants less sensitive to economic cycles

Key market developments

Underlying aspects



Changing demography

·  Urbanisation: Urban areas are still growing and continue to attract young people with spending power

·  Cities, especially those in the Randstad, ‘winner’ in changing demographics

Focus on high street retail units in A1 locations (EXPERIENCE)

·  Shrinking and ageing of the population in rural areas

·  Worsened perspectives for fashion retailers outside urban areas


High street embrace online shopping

·  Consumer demand for shopping experience when shopping for non-food items

·  Physical shops add brand values as service point and experience centre


·  Large (international) fashion brands focus on exciting flagship stores as an addition to online sales

·  Large retail units in best shopping cities remain popular among retailers


Consumers demand convenience and value

·  Persistently low inflation is expected to boost consumer spending, strong turnover development in food sector

·  District shopping centres focus on food and daily goods

Focus on local/district shopping centres with strong catchment area and easy access (CONVENIENCE)

·  Accessibility and parking facilities are key in daily shopping

·  Opportunities for district shopping centres as pick-up point for online shopping

Strategic actions in 2015

  • Strengthened ‘Experience’ portfolio, through redevelopments in A1 locations

  • Strengthened ‘Convenience’ portfolio, through addition of new-build project and redevelopment of local shopping centres that meet the needs of today’s consumers

  • Divested non-core asset Arnhemseweg in Ede

  • Continued to optimise the standing portfolio through redevelopments

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